Monday, January 21, 2013

Disconnections, Game-Entry failures, Auto-Losses

Fed up!

I can't get over 1980 points.

When I regain back my points to near 1980, I'll just have auto-losses or whatever shits at Gehenna Bridge again.  Not once, but usually 2 times in a day and it's allllwaaayyyss at Gehenna Bridge.

More than half of my losses are from auto-losses/dcs/game-entry failures.

screw the xpvp server.  Just remove the Gehenna Bridge map already.

Now cuz of my numerous DCs/auto-losses/game-entry failures I'm just 2 points away from Rank 2.  I used to be so far away...

-31 pts in a day.  Best deduction to date.  The number just keeps increasing.

The tech team slacking or something? because this never happened/ rarely happened during the tourny period.  It's definitely not my connection/pc problem.