And so, this is the end of Season 1 WxPVP tournaments in sGE. I am quite glad with the results; E4's in particular since I managed to clinch 1st Place with 0 defeat. I enjoyed E4 the most as well as I played this tourny with my most favourited characters - Grandis and Catherine!
sGE World Cross PVP: Season 1 Episode 4 - Shattered Pride
SO... Congratulations to Enigmatic and Windseal who managed to get the 3rd and 2nd place! Enigmatic had finally made it into the top 3 - something that he had been aiming for since the start of the PVP tournament series. Well done :)
And the results for the previous tourny(E3) are below.
sGE World Cross PVP: Season 1 Episode 3 - Darkness
It's quite cool that the theme for Episode 3 coincided with the lineup I used. Darkness... Yeah darkness.
And just before episode 4, on the 27 of September, my dream came true. This is, by far, the best birthday gift from GE (my birthday is on the 28 though, but still near), ever :D Nothing could contain my happiness that day. Anarchea¨(previously named as Sphairae¨) finally gets her Soulbringer stance!